Saturday, May 15, 2010

How To Be A Successful Customer

Too often we as consumers are critical of customer service representatives or others in the service industry and don't step back to look at ourselves and whether our actions had anything to do with the outcome of your problem or inquiry. Many of us like to believe that we can get whatever we want by acting however we want without worrying about the repurcussions when it comes to customer service. Just because we may be speaking to someone on the phone or in a store speaking to a clerk that you will never see again shouldn't give you the freedom to act like a jackass. During my time in my job I really have come to believe in the platitude that "You get more bees with honey than vinegar.," What does that mean exactly?

Well I am glad you asked, it means that there should be no reason to get upset right from the start even if your cable box is on fire and your DVR has been erased. Was it the fault of the person on the other end of the phone sitting in India answering your call? Nope. Do they want to help you? Probably. Will they do a better job if you are nice to them? Most likely, so why not start out that way.

Today, I went to lunch with my fiancee (soon-to-be-wife in only 8 days), her dad and brother to a nice restaurant in Astoria. While we were there we had a nice young waiter who had a great deadpan sense of humor. When the waiter delivered the bill, I said "Thanks Chris," and this almost shocked him that I had overheard his name and packed it away for memory. When you use someone's name, it shows that you have taken the time to pay attention and give them the respect that everyone deserves. No matter what our jobs are, we all deserve common courtesy and respect.

Now there is a big difference between being meek and backing down at the first sign of a problem and being nice but persistent. Yes people who yell do get more attention and are placated just to get rid of them but if you are nice you are more likely to not just be placated but have all of your wishes fulfilled to your exact specifications.